Colors Without Borders

January 4, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm America/New York Timezone

To view this event live visit our Facebook page at the time of the event. Facebook Live.

Colors Without Borders
An Ebon Dooley Art & Justice Conversation

Jose Torres-Tama
Stephanie Guilloud
Dianne Mathiowetz
Bunduki Ramadan
Carolyn Renée Morris

The ArtsXchange & Project South host a conversation with Jose Torres-Tama & Art and Justice leaders to explore immigration, voting rights & the changing tides.

The ArtsXchange facility and programs are generously supported by the following funders: SouthArts, Fulton County Arts Council, and Georgia Council for the Arts. Funding provided in part by a grant from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, and our many individual donors and partners. Thank you!

#fultoncountyartsandculture #southarts #georgiacouncilforthearts #Communityfoundationforgreateratlanta #artsxchangeatl #eastpointga #communitycenter #ArtsXchangeVirtualProgramming