Advocacy For Action

Advocacy For Action, Inc.  (AFA Non-Profit ) and Advocacy for Action Fund (AFA PAC)  were formed by a group of attorneys and bar associations concerned about the disappearance of diverse judges from our courts.

AFA Non Profit seeks to educate the public about the importance and impact of a diverse judiciary and provide strategies that communities and individuals can  implement to achieve that goal.   In addition, AFA Non Profit promotes greater involvement in legal and judicial affairs by advocacy in support of issues, legislation, groups and organizations that support a diverse judiciaryContributions to this organization are not publicly reported.

AFA Fund was established as an adjunct organization to AFA Non Profit. This organization is dedicated to raising funds to  to support minority candidates running for judicial office across the State of Georgia. Contributions to this organization are not tax exempt and are publicly reported.

To find out more about the mission, purpose and activities for AFA Non Profit and AFA Fund,  check out the RECENT POSTS section.