Georgia Youth Against Police Brutality
This Sunday at 2pm in Atlanta
Youth Against Police Brutality
Rally & March
This event is organized and led by the youth. Youth will use their voices and stand together against racism, hate, and police brutality.
Youth will speak about #VincentTruitt, #AdamToledo, #DettrickGriffin, #MaKhiaBryant, #DaunteWright, #AJMitchell, #AnthonyThompsonJr and others. Youth will also provide recommendations on ending violence, reforms in community policing, and abolishing systemic injustices and racism.
The purpose of this event is for youth to use their voices to advocate for the passing of H.R.7120 – George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020.
#SolidarityAgainstRacism #BlackLivesMatter #StopAsianHate #LaGenteUnida #EndPoliceBrutality #HR7120