Cancel the Rent, No Evictions!
This event was rescheduled for April 7 due to severe weather warnings. The Federal eviction moratorium was extended to June 30 but that is not enough. It is merely postponing an impending mass of millions evictions. Millions of renters are thousands of dollars in debt and facing continued unemployment. The moratorium is filled with loopholes and only delays evictions because it does not cancel rent. Come protest with Housing Justice League to demand an extended and strengthened eviction moratorium and rent debt cancellation. 61 billionaire landlords saw their wealth increase during the pandemic by $24.4 billion. This is enough to pay over 40% of the $57.3 billion in overdue rent by all U.S. renters (ten million families) through January 2021. Every eviction is an act of violence. Help HJL spread the word about out Tenant Power Hotline and say NO to the landlord thieves, the courts, and the law enforcement that guarantees their right to wealth extraction from poor communities of color.
Masks and social distancing required. Let’s keep each other safe! We will have masks available for anyone in need. We will also have water. Bring signs!
Take Marta to Georgia State Transit Station or park at Underground Atlanta parking garage.