Red Bike & Green is a collective of Black urban cyclists improving the health, economy & local environment of African Americans by creating a relevant & sustainable Black bike culture. Health: Economics: (2) Red, Bike and Green promotes the patronage of Black business. Advertising and partnering with Black businesses on our rides is our strategy to support and praise the important services that sustain our community. Environment:
Red Bike & Green-Atlanta
African Americans have the highest prevalence rates for many chronic diseases, largely due to lack of healthy foods and exercise. Biking is an intergenerational form of recreation where we can improve physical health as well as improve our mental health by enjoying the company of our people.
(1) As African Americans we experience many economic hardships. Riding bicycles instead of driving cars saves us valuable money that we can use towards our present realties and bright futures.
African American communities bear the brunt of too many environmental injustices (e.g. asthma due to high prevalence of carcinogens). Biking provides us the power to reduce the carcinogens we produce as we continue advocating against environmental racism at institutional levels.
Red Bike & Green-Atlanta » Activist Directory
Categories: Black Power/Support, Community, Economic Justice, Environmental Justice