Mission and Model Our Campaigns and Organizing Initiatives No New Jail Beds – Anchored by Women on the Rise Solutions Not Punishment (SNaP) Coalition – Anchored with La Gender Inc and Trans(forming) Our Vision We envision a transformed society where justice and liberation exist for all people. We envision a society where women and families are safe from all forms of violence, where a bold and vibrant democracy flourishes, and where our communities are truly interdependent. We believe that, given this country’s history of slavery, convict leasing, chain gangs, and mass incarceration, societal transformation requires an end to the criminalization of our communities, particularly throughout the American South. We believe that an end to criminalization requires concrete policy changes end the reliance on prisons, detention centers and police as a way of addressing underlying social problems. Instead, we want state resources to focus on policies and programs that truly make us safe – high quality education, adequate health care, affordable housing, and living wage jobs. We believe that strong community organizing – including deep leadership development and savvy campaigns — is the most powerful strategy our communities have to achieve this vision. We believe the key to building a broad and powerful membership base is carrying out sharp policy campaigns to win concrete changes that improve the lives of our membership, while simultaneously cultivating and developing the leadership brought forward by such campaigns. We also believe uniting the “new majority” – forging powerful and deep connections between Black and Latino residents as well as other residents of color and progressive whites to build real political power.
Racial Justice Action Center
The Racial Justice Action Center (RJAC) is a vibrant, multiracial organizing and training center working to build the grassroots leadership and power of communities of color and low income communities in order to fight for – and win – political and social transformation in Georgia. RJAC engages in holistic leadership development, savvy campaign-based organizing, and strategic policy advocacy rooted in a deep political and historical analysis in order to advance our vision of a transformed society.
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Categories: Human Rights, Legal Support