We are Counterpoint. Counterpoint is a free community space for technical-creative projects, doocratically run by everyone. We are a non-profit educational institution intended for public benefit. Everyone is welcome to use our resources. Find others to create with, help with your projects & help others with their projects. We are committed to providing a safe space to work, learn, and play. Please read and understand our anti-harassment policy and community standards. Typical “open hours” are from 11:00am-10:00pm every day, as long as someone is in the space and able to answer the door. Find out if someone is in the space by asking in our chat. We hold general meetings every other Monday at 7:30pm. Come and meet us! We provide infrastructure and collaboration opportunities for people interested in programming, hardware hacking, physics, chemistry, mathematics, security, robotics, all kinds of art, and, of course, technology. Through talks, workshops, and projects we encourage knowledge exchange, learning, and mentoring. As a space for artistic collaboration and experimentation, we are open to most types of art – with a special emphasis on the crossover of art and technology. From hardware labs to electronics and sound labs, most things that’re creative are most definitely welcome. Many interesting things happen in the space. We’ve found that sharing is essential to making this work. We strive to begin from a point of respect and trust. We believe it builds a safe community and that this best fosters innovation and creation. Our motto is “Be excellent to each other.” We also have writings on community standards and an anti-harassment policy which covers all conduct in the physical space and in our online spaces. Leadership is taken by individual members for specific projects. We call this “sudo leadership” after the command sudo which allows a regular user to do one root-level, or superuser, task. In other words, if you want Counterpoint to do something, start doing it. Here’s some paraphrasing from our bylaws: Through talks, classes, workshops, collaborative projects, and other activities, we want to encourage research, knowledge exchange, learning, and mentoring in a safe, clean space. We provide educational spaces for teaching practical skills and theory of technology, science, and art. We provide work space, storage, and other resources for projects related to art, science, and technology that will benefit the individual members’ personal growth in their fields of interest, encouraging the individual members to share their projects and knowledge for the betterment of society through art, science and technology. We create, learn, and teach, individually and as a group, inviting members of the community in the Atlanta area and the world. We develop, support the development of, and provide resources for the development of free and open source software and hardware for the benefit of society. We promote collaboration across disciplines for the benefit of cultural, charitable, and scientific causes.
Counterpoint Free Learning Collective
Counterpoint Free Learning Collective » Activist Directory
Categories: Economic Justice, Education